US indicators
Fundamental Indicators

Here are a number of Economic Indicators out of the United States; after all, this is the world’s largest economy. These are the most widely watched indicators you must be aware of for your CFD online trading.
Non-Farm Payrolls | Total number of paid US workers excluding government and farm employees. | Released first Friday of every month. |
Trade Balance or US Trade Deficit | The total difference in value between exports and imports. | Released every month on the 10th at 8:30 EST. |
CPI (Consumer Price Index) | A gauge of consumer inflation based on a fixed basket of good. Does not include food and energy. | Released every month on the 15th at 8:30 am EST. |
Manufacturing ISM Report | A report of US factory manufacturing, released by the Institute for Supply Management. | Released on the first business day of every month at 10:00 EST. |
Michigan Consumer Confidence | A gauge of consumer confidence in the US economy. This survey is based on a monthly survey of 5,000 US homes. | Preliminary report released on the 15th day of every month. The final report is released on the final Tuesday of the month. |
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) | The total output of goods and services produced in the country. Quarterly and yearly numbers released. | Every month the quarterly data is calculated and released to the public at the end of the month. |
New Orders for Durable Goods | Shows what durable goods orders are placed with manufacturers for both immediate and future deliveries. | This indicator is seasonally adjusted. |
PPI – Finished Goods | Measures inflation at the producer level. This does not include services. | Around the 15th of every month. |
US Unemployment Rate (%) | The number of those unemployed in the US, as a percentage of the total workforce (not including those not seeking employment). | First Thursday every month. |
Residential Building Permits | Permits provided for constructing new homes for single and multi-family units. | Third Tuesday Every month. |
Industrial Production | Measures production in US factories, mines and utilities. Measures capacity, available resources and growth. | Third Tuesday of every month. |
Housing Starts | The number of new homes whose construction was initiated during the reported period. | Around the 17th of every month. |