Asian indicators
Fundamental Indicators
Asia and the entire Asia Pacific Rim have become an important region to watch economically. The region covers, not only the world’s second largest economy (China), but also a number of economically developing countries.
Asia and the Pacific Rim have become zones of interest to investors in the Forex, Equity and Commodities markets. Here is a list of indicators of note in the region for potential CFD online trading.
GDP | This number reflects the total output of goods and services in China. | Quarterly and annual |
Industrial Production | Reflects the output of a country’s factories and indicates whether production is increasing or contracting. | |
Retail Sales | Indicates whether or not consumers are buying big ticket products like cars or refrigerators. | Monthly |
Business Confidence | The level of optimism amongst businesses regarding the economy. | Monthly |
Balance of Trade | Establishes whether China has a trade deficit or surplus. | Quarterly |
Consumer Confidence | The level of optimism amongst Japanese consumers regarding the health of the economy. | Monthly |
GDP | This number reflects the total output of goods and services in Japan. | Monthly and Quarterly |
Inflation | Establishes the level of Japan’s Inflation rate monthly, quarterly and yearly. | Quarterly |
Business Confidence | The level of optimism amongst businesses regarding the economy. | Monthly |
GDP | This number reflects the total output of goods and services in Australia. | Around the 10th of the month |
Imports | Indicates the value of foreign-manufactured products purchased by Australian residents, businesses and the government. | Monthly |
Rate Decision | The interest rate at which banks borrow money from a country’s central bank, as determined by the Reserve bank of Australia as part of its monetary policy. | First Tuesday of every month |
Unemployment | The level of unemployment in Australia’s workforce | Around the 12th of the month |